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Madiun - 55 students from the Bachelor of Physics Program at Universitas Negeri Surabaya (Unesa) are learning about modern transportation technology innovations in the manufacturing industry by directly visiti
Surabaya – The Faculty of Mathematics
Surabaya – An encouraging step forward for the academic community at Surabaya State University (Unesa), two of the four teams from the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences who have succeeded in obtaining funding for the Student O
Kediri - One of the routine programs of the Physics Department Student Association (HMJ), the Physics Service Program, is being held again this year. This Friday (12/01/2024) in Mlacu, Kediri, the event was opened and attended by 23 stude
Malang – Change This year (2023-2024), Unesa Physics received good news. The reason is, two lecturers from the Physics Study Program, Nugrahani